Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Budget Weekend Trip In The Car

An old fashioned but still enjoyable way to spend a weekend is to just head out onto the open road. Perhaps this will be a weekend away with just you and your spouse or loved one. You may want to do something special or unique. Instead of spending a lot of money, fill up the gas tank and see where it takes you. You should plan a route that takes you to some of the nearby locations that are interesting, or you may want to just wing the entire trip. Either way, a road trip is a fun way to see what the country really is like without having to spend a lot of money.
Where To Go?

It may seem strange to just get in the car and drive, but it can be a lot of fun. Take a few minutes to do some research of your local area. Find out if there are nay places that you may be interested in. Here are some suggestions to look for.

Check out the local park system. You may know where the parks are. However, do you know what they have to offer? Many offer everything from sledding in the winter to campouts in the summer.

Go on a museum tour. Visit the small and larger museums within a 60-mile radius of your home. You may not realize just how many small museums there are to select from. You could be learning about everything from the local town's history to an old car museum.

Why not go on a haunted trip, you can visit all of the suspected haunted locations in your hometown and the local region. You can learn the history of those who lived in the homes and why people believe the location is haunted.

When you go on a car trip like this, do stock up on fuel and snacks. Keep a map on hand to help you to navigate. Finding the locations that are interesting are just as much fun as stopping at them. Go as far away as you would like to. There is no limiting what you can find or how you can take advantage of this time together. Whenever you feel like stopping, you can do so. Besides the cost of case and a motel for the evening, there really are not many costs associated with this fun trip. Best of all, the countryside will be all around you.

Are you fed up with piling on the pounds during the holiday period and constantly facing an uphill battle with your weight?

In This Special Report You Will Learn How To Fight Off The Excess Calories And Stay Trim During The Holidays Using Three Simple Techniques.

Read more here >>

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Are you fed up with piling on the pounds during the holiday period and constantly facing an uphill battle with your weight?

In This Special Report You Will Learn How To Fight Off The Excess Calories And Stay Trim During The Holidays Using Three Simple Techniques.

Read more here >>

Are you fed up with piling on the pounds during the holiday period and constantly facing an uphill battle with your weight?

In This Special Report You Will Learn How To Fight Off The Excess Calories And Stay Trim During The Holidays Using Three Simple Techniques.

Read more here >>
